
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

Systems for vibration monitoring and diagnostics

  • Reliable permanent monitoring of the overall vibration to DIN ISO 10816
  • Cost effective real-time vibration monitoring for machine protection
  • Increase availability and reliability, reduce maintenance costs and ensure quality
  • Compact field units and modular control cabinet systems
  • From compact, analog vibration sensors in the field to intelligent diagnostic electronics in the control cabinet

Vibration monitoring systems

ifm Vibration monitoring systems help you avoid unplanned downtime in the middle of production by providing vibration data to assess and evaluate the condition of your machine in real time.  That way, you can schedule maintenance of machines when it fits your schedule. Using the same vibration monitoring technology, you can detect and prevent expensive machine damage in real-time.

The ifm product range includes vibration transmitters, vibration sensors, accelerometers, and evaluation electronics. Vibration transmitters and sensors detect damaged bearings, unbalance in drives, and rotating machine parts. When combined with diagnostic electronics, accelerometers enable comprehensive vibration monitoring of large drives.

Diagnostic Edge controllers
Diagnostic Edge controllers
Vibration sensors and transmitters
Vibration sensors and transmitters

How to contact us.

Do you have any questions?
We would be more than happy to help you.

(+971) 4 5284003
