
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

Gas Analyzer for IR-Sensitive Gases and Oxygen BA 5000

  • Sturdy 19” sheet steel housing
    Option: Desktop version with handles
  • NAMUR-based operation
  • Quick and easy parametrisation and setup
  • AUTOCAL with ambient air for virtually maintenance-free operation
  • Adjustment with test gas only required every six to twelve months depending on application
  • Large backlit LCD screen
  • Two measuring ranges per component
  • Automatically corrects fluctuations in barometric pressure
  • Monitors the sample gas flow rate
  • Two programmable limits
  • Three binary inputs
  • Eight relay outputs
  • Up to four analogue outputs 4-20 mA, electrically isolated
  • RS 485

The BA 5000 gas analyzer is suitable to continuously measure gas concentrations, e.g. CO, CO2, NO, SO2, CH4 . The analyzer can measure up to three of these components plus O2 at the same time.

For oxygen analysis purposes the BA 5000 can optionally be equipped with electrochemical or paramagnetic cell. This gas analyser can be used in emission measurement equipment as well as for monitoring processes and safety. TÜV approved versions of the BA 5000 are available for measuring CO, NO, SO2 and O2 per 13th BImSchV and TA Luft. With the optional hydrogen sulphide sensor the BA 5000 further is the perfect analysis solution for biogas plants. Use in non-explosive areas.

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(+971) 4 5284003
