
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

CS Soft Energy Analyzer

The CS Energy Analyzer Software

  • Serves for compressor analysis (current/ power measurement)
  • System analysis (current measurement and real flow measurement)
  • Leakage calculation

Compressor analysis (current/ power measurement)

The energy consumption of every single compressor is measured by means of a clamp-on ammeter. The produced compressed air quantity is calculated by the software on the basis of the performance data of the compressor which have to be calculated. The following parameters are calculated additionally. Energy consumption in kWh, load-, unload-, stop time, compressor load in %, number of load/ unload cycles.

System analysis (current measurement and real flow measurement)

The system analysis has the same function like the compressor analysis, however, it additionally offers the possibility to measure the actually produced resp. used quantity of compressed air by means of the flow sensor. With the additional „real flow measurement“ the leakages and therefore the cost share of the leakages in comparison to the total costs in € can be determined.

Leakage calculation

The leakage calculation is done during the production free time (shutdown, weekend, holidays). The flow sensor measures the supplied quantity of air. During the down time the compressor delivers compressed air in order to keep a constant pressure. According to statistics even if production is carried out day and night there is at least one short period of time during which all load is switched off. By means of this data the software defines a leakage rate and calculates the incurred leakage costs in €.

How to contact us.

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(+971) 4 5284003