
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

UV Online Analyzer for COD BOD TOC TSS NO3 STAC2 1 way


Compact Alert Station STAC2 version 1 way of measure. Equipped with Xenon Lamp (UV-VIS). Power supply 24 VDC. 3 YEARS WARRANTY. Multi-parameter UV online analyzer delivered with user manual, UV Pro software with connection cables and performance certificate. Instrument delivered without cell, to be ordered separately . Available in version 2, 3 and 4 measuring channels Our analyzers are preprogrammed following standard effluents. Thus, each application needs a beforehand validation, or even a new dedicated calibration setting up (cf:calibration design for waste water:ref 70MP0331). Modbus RS485 RTU output. Configuration via online web page (ethernet, Wifi, IP network)

◼ Fingerprint capability: scanning from 190 up to 800nm with unique 1 nm
◼ Versatile sampling: 4 channels and 10 parameters available per channel
◼ Data connectivity: both local and cloud based data collection by means of a
WiFi connection
◼ Real-time visualization of the water’s fingerprint: BOD / COD / TOC /
Nitrates / *detection Pesticides / *detection Aromatic Hydrocarbons
◼ Secomam UV-Vis technology since 1966!
◼ Robust and rugged design with high-tech data handling
* > mg/L

Areas of application:

◼ Wastewater treatment plant (follow-up purification performance, input, discharge, etc.)
◼ Drinking water plant (pumping station, tank management, etc.)
◼ Natural water
◼ Process water
◼ River monitoring
◼ Aquaculture

How to contact us.

Do you have any questions?
We would be more than happy to help you.

(+971) 4 5284003