
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

Moisture Detectors

In extractive gas analysis the sample gas must be conditioned before it enters the measuring cell of the analyser. One of these conditioning stages is moisture condensing in the sample gas coolers. However, since the composition of the sample gas and the process parameters can fluctuate, condensate slip downstream from the cooler cannot be entirely ruled out. Moisture detectors installed at the cooler outlet indicate such slip. The detectors are extremely sensitive so fault conditions are detected early. Combined with suitable controllers this will generate the respective signals/alarms in the control system. In this function we offer various moisture detector models and a wide range of accessories.

  • Extremely early warning, when condensation starts to form
  • Up to 40 bar / 580 psi pressure range
  • Detector versions with cable break detection
  • Controllers for wall mounting
  • Controllers for rail mounting
  • Controllers for 19” installation
  • Controllers for explosive areas

In extractive gas analysis the sample gas must be conditioned before it enters the measuring cell of the analyser. One of these conditioning stages is moisture precipitating in so-called sample gas coolers. Since the composition of the sample gas can fluctuate, a condensate slip downstream from the cooler cannot be entirely ruled out.

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