
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

Diagnostic and service units

  • Reliable wireless data exchange for mobile machines
  • Real-time diagnosis via CODESYS programming system
  • Data display and storage via internet portal
  • Display and processing of position and route data
  • Different interfaces for integration into the machine network

Diagnostic and service units

Diagnostic and service units are used for CAN system analysis, for remote maintenance and for position and route detection of mobile machines such as construction equipment, agricultural and forestry machinery, municipal vehicles and vehicles for transport and logistics.
Wireless systems – CANremote as a radio modem with integrated gateway, for example – help enable remote maintenance.
CAN bus diagnostic units can be used to detect the number of messages or error frames or display the current bus load.
Handheld terminals allow the user to monitor and enter data messages.
CANfox is an interface for the connection of a CAN system to a USB interface.

Mobile IoT - remote diagnostics and service
Mobile IoT – remote diagnostics and service

How to contact us.

Do you have any questions?
We would be more than happy to help you.

(+971) 4 5284003
