
FMIT Falcon electronic precision instruments trading Co. L.L.C

Pulse evaluation

  • Intuitive, user-friendly handling
  • Integrated wide-range power supply
  • Easily programmable output functions
  • Devices for monitoring standstill, speed, direction, slip, and frequency
  • Switching relays and transistor outputs, scalable analogue output

Pulse evaluation systems

Pulse evaluation systems monitor rotating and linear movements as well as all physical quantities which can be converted into pulse sequences.
Units with different functions allow tailor-made monitoring of slow and fast rotational speeds as well as complex synchronous or direction monitoring.
Relay or transistor outputs give a signal if the actual value is above or below the set limit value.

1-channel speed monitoring
1-channel speed monitoring
2-channel speed monitoring
2-channel speed monitoring
Safe speed monitoring
Safe speed monitoring
Safe standstill monitoring
Safe standstill monitoring
Safe monitoring of underspeed
Safe monitoring of underspeed
Slip monitoring
Slip monitoring
Synchronous monitoring
Synchronous monitoring
Direction of rotation monitoring
Direction of rotation monitoring
Industrial timers
Industrial timers
Timer relays
Timer relays
Position and event counters
Position and event counters
Level monitoring
Level monitoring

How to contact us.

Do you have any questions?
We would be more than happy to help you.

(+971) 4 5284003
